
Sonnet rules
Sonnet rules

sonnet rules

The judges will be asked to rate the sonnets as either human- or computer-generated. Two collections of mixed human- and computer-generated sonnets will be read separately by two panels, each with three judges. To keep with the spirit of a Turing Test, the computer-generated sonnets that are included will be generated by two noun prompts per algorithm and not pre-screened before inclusion. The PoetiX Sonnet Turing Test: After an initial screening, the top entrants will have their sonnets mixed in with a collection of human generated sonnets. We will test this requirement and then, should your entry make the list of finalists, after some unspecified number of iterations we will pick one or two of the generated works as your entry. Programs must be capable of generating distinct short stories with high probability. The program must be completely self-contained and require no connectivity to the Internet.

  • We prefer that submissions include source code, and that you provide a binary executable as stated in rule 2.
  • The algorithm/software should respond to a noun or noun phrase “prompt” (e.g., “hat”, “car keys”, “wedding”, “sorrow”, “violin case”) and be capable of producing an effectively unlimited number of original sonnets.
  • All libraries must be statically linked, and an executable “RunMe” provided.

    sonnet rules

    Preferred platforms are Apple OSX 10.10, Ubuntu Linux 14.04, or Microsoft Windows 8.1 or 10.x. We will run entries using x86-compatible CPUs. A contemporary computer should be able to run the code and generate a sonnet in “Shakesperean” or “Petrarchan” form of 14 lines (as per the form) within 24 hours using less than 16GB of RAM and less than 50GB of disk space.

    sonnet rules

  • Entries must be submitted via the competition Web site by 11:59PM UTC, April 15, 2016.
  • Or maybe going through the wave equation. Here is a sonnet from Marjan's prize-winning work (that Joe Palca read at DAX on May 18th after generating it with the prompt "wave"): To read more about the sonnet form, see:, , and. The former is further characterized by an “abab cdcd efef gg” rhyme scheme, and the latter as an octet of rhyme scheme “abba abba” followed by a sestet with no fixed form. While, there are many forms of sonnet, for the purposes of the prize we are considering only “traditional” sonnets: fourteen line poems, in iambic pentameter, in either “Shakesperean” or “Petrarchan” form. The rules for this competition are as for DigiLit, but for sonnets. PoetiX is a completion in computer-generated sonnet writing.

    Sonnet rules